Monthly Archives: June 2019

Mystery Series & YA Book Sale

eBook Sale for Limited Time

Time to stock up for that summer reading. Click on the book to buy.

Taylor Browning Cozy Mystery Series

Mystery editor Taylor Browning just can’t stay in the publishing office. But sleuthing on the side can be fatal. Cranky authors, explosive bosses and quirky co-workers mix it up with murder. $.99 cents


Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series

Rachel Blackstone was a reporter in Santa Fe, until she tried to return the dead. Now she has powers she doesn’t want. Her life is increasingly challenging with spirits, shamans and spirit animals. $1.99 each

For the Young Adult and the young at heart.

“… caught between being declared an adult & not quite allowed to be a child, Collins grabbed that young voice and ran with it for an impressive winning read, perfect for any age!” Teen Lit, Loss, Being a Teen. $.99 cents

Change is all around as Molly begins a new job at a stable. She dreams of riding in the Olympics. Trauma engulfs her family and she begins to doubt her courage. Given what happens next she will need it. Teen Lit, Being a Teen, Equestrian Fiction. $.99 cents

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