Category Archives: Lemurian Medium


Lemurian Medium Weekend Countdown Deal

Click on the book to buy.

A friend disappears into a painting at a posh Santa Fe art gallery. Rachel Blackstone witnesses the paranormal kidnapping, but is helpless to stop it. She isn’t prepared for the reality of where her friend has been taken. In this strange ancient world, it’s difficult to know who to trust. But somehow, she must avoid the Mesoamerican deity who dines on humans and rescue her friend before the catastrophic event occurs that will take the island continent to the sea floor.

November 6 – 8, 2020

Amazon Reviewer:The Lemurian Medium gives us a little bit of everything: paranormal, clairvoyance, astral projection and time travel. All this with descriptive prose that paints New Mexico as a travel mecca. Be sure you can sit back and relax for a time as you journey into the search for a different lost Atlantis because you won’t want to set the book down.”




World Building in Fiction Writing

Builder of Worlds

By G G Collins          (Copyright 2019)

I never expected to be a builder of worlds and yet I’ve written two books where I needed to do just that.

Time travel is always tricky, but it’s also fun. In Lemurian Medium I sent protagonist Rachel Blackstone back in time via astral travel to the mythical continent of Lemuria. I began reading about the continent that reportedly sunk into the ocean when a cataclysmic series of earthquakes and volcanoes broke up the island country and the sea claimed it.

When you ask people to buy into a paranormal or fantasy story line, it’s important to include as much fact as possible, to lend integrity to the story. I began reading the works of Colonel James Churchward, who called Lemuria by another name; Mu. He studied monastery sources in India while serving in the British army.

After getting a basic idea of Churchward’s theories I read Frank Joseph’s book The Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture. There are many creation stories and Lemuria is one for that part of the world. There is a museum in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan called the Mu Museum and is a tribute to the Motherland. In the Hawaiian Ethnic Art Museum in Oahu there are carvings that seem to verify the existence of a golden race who survived the onrush of the sea.

Click Read Review

Reputed to contain the history of the ancients.

To make the city realistic I researched the Romans from their garments to their communal toilets. In addition I read Shirley MacLaine’s dreams of Lemuria as she related them in her excellent book The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit. Her description of the Lemurians—some golden, some violet, and hermaphroditic—let imagination work on that. For homes, I went with crystal construction with private areas being opaque. Rachel was surprised to learn she could communicate either from her mind or with the use of Lemurian seed crystals and crystal balls.

I needed a villain in spirit and chose Quetzalcoatl, a Mesoamerican god who liked to dine on humans. It is thought that Lemurians who survived the end of their homeland took to the vast sea and made their way to what is known today as Central America and to the southwestern part of the US.

When my research was complete I was no longer certain that Lemuria was a myth. I hope readers of the book can entertain that possibility as well.

#Free Three Days. Reluctant Medium Paranormal #Mystery.

Reluctant Medium Set Free

Beginning Sunday, August 12, 2018 at midnight, Reluctant Medium will be FREE for three days.

Reluctant Medium is the first in the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series.

Click on the cover to download for Free.

It all began innocently enough, Rachel only wished to speak with her dead father. A journalist, he had died under mysterious circumstances. She employed a Hopi ritual she hoped would accomplished this. 

FROM THE BOOK: “Rachel learned the ancient ceremony while researching an article about the Hopi Nation. Some Native Americans and followers of eastern philosophies believe one can call back the dead. In her interviews, Joseph, a Hopi holy man, had recounted instances. It was unusual for tribe members to discuss such things with outsiders, but she had written a sensitive portrayal of life within the reservation and Joseph warmed to her. He liked Rachel’s sincerity and the deep respect she had for their traditions.”

As the ceremony progressed, Rachel began to feel anxious as things she didn’t understand developed in her living room.

FROM THE BOOK: Her body trembled as she watched the vapor seep first from the seam where hardwood floor met plaster and then from the intricate crown molding. It poured from beneath the couch like mist on a lake and slid along the wallpapered ceiling, coming ever closer while she watched, fascinated, but with growing anxiety. The hissing began softly, rising to the clamor of a den of disturbed rattlesnakes. Midpoint in the room, the two streams rose and dipped to join in a common countenance. The darkest colors of the miasma collected in an eerie spiral holding pattern, while the particles which reflected light crept away like fog throughout the room, closing off escape.

Once a figure materialized before her, Rachel knew something wasn’t right. She was certain it wasn’t her father.

FROM THE BOOK: “You’re sputtering, Rachel.” He knew her! “How is brother dearest? Still looking over his shoulder?” The comment carried a threat.

Before she could think of anything to say, the arrogant spirit hastened to the front door and vanished, through it, beyond it, into the night.

Rachel stared at the door, willing it to reveal the truth of what just happened. She’d made a terrible mistake. “Oh, my god,” she whispered. “What have I done?”

Now it’s up to Rachel to send back the undead with the help of her best friend, spirit animal and her psychic cat. Along the way she meets an actor filming his series in Santa Fe. She is drawn to him, but he’s married. In the meantime, her divorce from her husband, a documentary producer, is going forward. Will her boss be receptive to taking her back at High Desert Country magazine? And she’s developed a new talent; she sees dead people, no really. Change is everywhere.



Cosmic Cocktail Party in Lemurian Medium

Carl Sagan & Benjamin Franklin Attend a Cosmic Party

by G G Collins     (Copyright 2017)

See on PBS

Recently I watched “The Farthest: Voyager in Space.” Actually I’ll admit to seeing it three times. (Read my review here on Parallel Universe . The late Carl Sagan played an important role in the Voyager project. If you haven’t seen it, it is playing on PBS.

While writing “Lemurian Medium” I went to the NASA website and looked at photos taken by Voyager to describe the planets as Reluctant Medium Rachel Blackstone took an astral journey to save a kidnapped friend.

Doing the research for this novel was quite fun. I ran across some notable people, namely Carl Sagan and Benjamin Franklin who both apparently believed in the possible existence of extraterrestrial life.

I wanted something lighthearted to occur during Rachel’s escape as it was quite tense at times. When she burst onto the astral plane she discovered it wasn’t the same plane she arrived on. But this level had a twist. There was a celestial cocktail party going on!

As she observed the varied types of aliens in all shapes and sizes, drinking colorful cocktails in odd vessels, and then she spied some humans like herself. There was Sagan and Franklin talking with beings from other worlds.

I wanted to honor them in some small way. Sagan was of hero of mine. Through him I became interested in the cosmos because he made it accessible. Cheers!



Cover Reveal

Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries Re-Covered

Lemurian Medium

Rachel travels to an ancient doomed land to rescue Stella Dallas, High Desert Country magazine’s beloved receptionist. It will take her special skill-set to pull it off in a hostile environment.

Cover design by Tatiana Vila of Vila Design. Check out all her designs at

Quetzalcoatl: Man-eating Deity

Mesoamerican Deity is Threat in Dark Fantasy

Excerpt from “Lemurian Medium” a Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery

by G G Collins          (Copyright 2016)

Rachel Blackstone confronts the man-eating deity Quetzalcoatl in her Santa Fe kitchen in “Lemurian Medium.”

Available at Amazon.

Available at Amazon.

Rachel stared at the piece of jewelry lying on the floor.

“I’m sorry,” Chloe stood and started to pick it up.

“No, don’t,” Rachel stopped her.

“Why not?” A second later she remembered Rachel’s earlier experience with the necklace and took a step back. “Is it doing anything?”

“Not yet.” Rachel thought for a moment it had all been a ghastly delusion, until it began to move.

Chloe saw Rachel react, looked again, but it was just lying on the floor.

“Don’t you see it?” Rachel implored as the necklace began to stir and change shape.

“See what?” Chloe kept watching the harmless piece of jewelry and couldn’t figure out why Rachel looked so afraid.

Within seconds the serpent stood up and filled out as if he’d been formed from air blown in from a bicycle pump. But he wasn’t a balloon and didn’t float away. Chile Pod watched with huge eyes. Her fur stood up on her back, ears flat, she dove under the tablecloth and onto a chair. The snake didn’t miss a thing and knew exactly where she hid. He made sure Rachel saw where she cowered by slithering across the floor and nosing at the tablecloth. Then he turned his attention to Rachel.

“I am Quetzalcoatl,” he said as the green substance dripped from each of his fangs. They were six inches long and dagger sharp. The odor of sulfur emanated from his hobnail skin as it grated against itself. He was constantly in slow motion. The stench itself was enough to make her want to flee, but the continuous shifting of his spine beneath the scales was sinister.

Quetzalcoatl feathered serpent form as depicted in the Codex Telleriano-Remensi. Wikimedia Public Domain

Quetzalcoatl feathered serpent form as depicted in the Codex Telleriano-Remensi. Wikimedia Public Domain

“I know who you are,” Rachel tried to say it with strength. Everything in her told her to run, but she couldn’t leave Chloe or Chile. She resisted the urge to recoil, feeling intensely this time the reptile’s desire to harm her. He barely controlled his desire to destroy her.

It rippled and swelled in both height and width. His feathers unfolded around his head, back and tail. The effect was even more menacing this time.

“Screaming won’t help you,” it said reading her thoughts.

“How do you know?”

“I am a deity,” Quetzalcoatl said in a deep hoarse voice. Add a little cinematic CGI and he would make Bruce Willis run and hide. Only this monster was real.

“Rachel,” Chloe stood in the doorway not understanding why Rachel was talking or to whom. “Who are you talking to?”

“Can’t you see the snake? He’s right here in the kitchen.”

“No, I can’t see it, but I can see you and you’re. . .”

“Never mind,” Rachel stopped her not wanting the self-proclaimed deity to know she was about to freak.

“What do you want?” she asked Quetzalcoatl.

“Once again, you called me?”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I do have a message,” it said.

Oh god, she thought, what now?

The snake’s head began to morph before her. In a few moments, it took on more human characteristics, but the fangs remained. She wondered how many more tricks he had.

“Does this look make you more comfortable? You know, lions eat their own kind.” It deliberately turned its head to look at the small tortoiseshell cat peaking from beneath the table; the only thing that separated her tiny cat from this snake-god was a piece of fabric.

“Chloe, would you please take Chile out of the room.”

“Of course.” Chloe reached under the table and pulled out the scared kitty, cupping her tiny body in her arm. Before she could exit the kitchen, Quetzalcoatl rose up and struck out in their direction.

“Run Chloe!” Chloe did, all the way to her car where she locked the doors and held Chile Pod in her lap. She petted her with shaking hands. “Did you see it?” she asked the cat, but couldn’t understand when Chile told her she had.

Back in the kitchen Rachel said, “Tell me the message and get the hell out.”

By Jami Dwyer [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Jami Dwyer [CC BY-SA 2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

“My dear, you must not speak to a deity in that manner. You know I’ve eaten Homo sapiens many times. You’re all quite tasty.” He was eyeing her as something on the menu. He sniffed like a dog checking out a piece of meat. “You have my favorite blood type: red. I find it to be as satisfying as a fine Bordeaux.”

Rachel shuddered. She softened her tone. It pissed her off to do it, but she had to get rid of this raw material for making boots. “Please tell me the message.”

“Much nicer. Was that so hard? I said before they want the artist, but that was diversionary. They want you. You were supposed to enter the picture, not the other woman.”

“Is Stella all right?”

“For now, she is safe. I see you are perplexed. Humans get confused easily. It is a defect.”

“Why do they want me, and who are they?”

“Enough for now. I’ll allow you to digest this information.”

Rachel wanted Quetzalcoatl to go and never return, but she had to know.

“Please answer my questions.” And she blanched when she heard her voice break.

That was when she heard the low growl behind her. She was certain it was the wolf, but took a moment to check for him. Nothing. And when she turned back to the snake, there was nothing but a necklace lying on the floor. “Stupid, stupid!” Rachel berated herself. “Of course it was the wolf. He was warning me to be careful and what do I do? Take my eyes off the monster!”

Her hands shook as she opened the front door and motioned to Chloe that it was safe to return.

She took Chile from Chloe and held her in arms that continued to tremble. Tears threatened. Chloe guided her gently to the sofa where they sat quietly for a few minutes. Rachel began to shiver uncontrollably.

“Are you okay?” Chloe asked.

“Yes, I guess.”

 “Of course you’re not okay,” Chloe said softly. “You’re scared half to death. I’m scared half to death and I couldn’t see a thing, only you reacting to it.

“What did you see on the floor if you couldn’t see the snake?”

Temple of Kukulkan, closely related to Quetzalcoatl. By ATSZ56 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Temple of Kukulkan, closely related to Quetzalcoatl. By ATSZ56 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

“All I saw was the necklace.”

Rachel felt defeated. How could Chloe understand if she couldn’t see it?

“It told me something. They, whoever they are, want me—not the artist.”

Chloe gasped. “But then why did they take Stella?”

“Apparently, she couldn’t resist the pull of the painting.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t take a chance on astral travel,” Chloe said. “I’m getting a real bad feeling about this whole thing.”

“But doesn’t this make it even more imperative that I learn to do it? We can’t just leave Stella there, wherever that is. We have to try to rescue her and discover what this is all about.” Rachel wiped angrily at a tear.

“I’m not leaving you tonight,” Chloe said. “We’re going to have some of that weed right now and then I’m sleeping here on the couch. No protesting.”

“No problem. Would you go replace the necklace in that damn envelope?”

“Will we be safe then?” Chloe asked.

“I don’t know if we’ll ever be safe again. The rules have changed, I fear irreparably.”

Copyscape Do Not Copy

Author Interview with Mystery Writer G G Collins

David Chuka–Children’s Book Author, Interviews G G Collins

David Chuka, Children's Book Author & Blogger

David Chuka, Children’s Book Author & Blogger


My thanks to David for an insightful interview. I think a journalist spirit lurks within this children’s book author (another life?). I enjoyed answering his questions. For more on sneaky reporter tactics, Brussels sprouts and oh yeah, writing the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries, here is the link.

Check out his Web site and books from If You See a Doctor to Kojo the Seadragon Gets Lost with lots of colorful stories in between. I’m partial to the seadragon as I write about dragons in Lemurian Medium–a fellow traveler?  Check them out here.




Interview with character Rachel Blackstone, as told to G G Collins

Chris the Story Reading Ape Blog Features Rachel Blackstone

Check out Chris the Story Reading Ape

Check out Chris the Story Reading Ape









You can find the story here:

Maybe Rachel will finally clue us in as to why she wears shoes she can run in. Did she really fly on a dragon?And what’s this about her being a medium?

Oh well, just see what she has to say.

2nd book in the series.

Second Book in the Series.

Debut Novel in the Series

Debut Novel in the Series

“Reluctant Medium” by G G Collins Lands on 2nd Amazon Top 100 List

“Reluctant Medium” Now Found on Two Top 100 Lists

Mystery>Supernatural>Werewolves & Shifters


Caution for Cozy Readers: “Reluctant Medium” does contain profanity and some mild horror, so if you’re a cozy purest, it may not be for you. But it also contains humor, adventure and of course, all sorts of paranormal story lines.

Book Cover Reluctant Medium Newest 5-2014In the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series, Rachel meets with a different challenge  in each book. In “Reluctant Medium” it’s an shape-shifting evil spirit. The second installment, “Lemurian Medium,” is an encounter with a Mesoamerican man-eating deity. In upcoming “Atomic Medium,” it is alien beings. Set during current day and The Manhattan Project during the 1940s, the tentative pub date is December 2014. The fourth will be “Anasazi Medium” where Rachel stumbles onto spirits while camping out with friend Chloe–if you can imagine Chloe camping out? She’s sure to have it catered.Book Cover Newest LM 6-2014

At the heart of each book is the friendship between Rachel and Chloe as they work together to solve each supernatural mystery. Their assortment of “experts” continues to grow as they’ve expanded into crystals, astral and time travel. And Rachel will continue to have those strange experiences in bathrooms during the present and past.

Her cat Chile Pod and spirit animal Kiyiya try to watch out for Rachel, who remains reluctant.

Again, a big “thank you” to all readers who have taken the time to read the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries. And an extra thanks to all who made the time to write reviews. I appreciate it beyond words.

— G G Collins






FREE Kindle eBook “Lemurian Medium” Paranormal Mystery

How Far Would You Go to Rescue a Friend?

“Hang on tight…it’s quite a trip!” — Concordia Belle, Amazon Reader/Reviewer


FREE May 29 & 30, 2014 at Amazon


Rachel BlaBook Cover Newest LM 6-2014ckstone, the Reluctant Medium, travels through time to a place known only by legend. She finds herself on a continent destined to sink beneath the sea. While some of the inhabitants seem friendly, there are others with decidedly violent temperaments. Can she find her friend before cataclysmic events prevent their escape? Find out free. Thank you for reading.

Discover how Rachel Blackstone became the “Reluctant Medium” in Book 1:…um+g+g+collins