Category Archives: Crystals

Your Writing Muse

With a Little Help From Our Friends

Do you have that person? You know the friend you trust implicitly; the one you share bits of your writing with. I have that person: MJ Trantham. She has appeared in these pages several times over the years. You can find her contributions in these pages:

MJ is my crystal expert – as a practitioner, she should write her own book about the magic of crystals. She suggested I give my character Rachel Blackstone (the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries) stones for protection in her excursions into the supernatural. Wow! It was so successful; I’ve introduced them in the Taylor Browning Cozy Mystery series too.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Crystals added a new dimension to my storytelling.

For years, MJ lived in the Centennial State. Regularly, I would receive stories from her about the Ute tribes in Colorado. They were so fascinating; I thought I should include more in my books about the Natives in New Mexico. They are after all intricately involved in the history of the state. What followed was more about the Hopi, Navajo and Pueblo Indians of the Land of Enchantment.

I asked her if she would read a sample chapter here and there. I’m careful not to send her portions that reveal villains and key elements of the book so she can enjoy it in its entirety later.

She was game, but expressed hesitation. She didn’t think she was an expert on writing despite the fact she is an excellent writer. What she is with certainty, however, is a good reader and she has an instinct for storytelling. Her feedback has become invaluable to me.

Photo by Yuri Efremov on Unsplash

Who do you trust enough to share your WIP?

MJ became that person to whom I give a sample here and there of my work in progress. In no time, MJ became my muse. Thank you MJ.

Crystal Usage in Anasazi Medium

Crystal Blue Persuasion

by G G Collins                             Copyright 2020

Pre-Order at Amazon. Click the Book Cover

While writing Anasazi Medium I realized that Reluctant Medium, Rachel Blackstone, would have to visit the Land of the Dead. I went to friend and crystal practitioner, M J Trantham, and asked her what she thought. She said we would need not only stones to protect Rachel from the spirits, but to protect the dead from Rachel.

You can see MJ’s influence throughout my books. For instance, near the beginning of Anasazi Medium we learn that Rachel has placed a grid of Black Tourmaline and Selenite, both protective, in each corner of her office at High Desert Country in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she works as a reporter and editor. In Lemurian Medium it was Blue Lace Agates that saved the day when Rachel was threatened by the Dracs. In Atomic Medium we used Apophyllite to open a stargate, Howlite to protect against radiation in the Atomic City and Opals for invisibility.

Throughout Anasazi Medium you will notice the color blue recurring: The Blue Dog Star, Indigo children, the Blue Star Kachina, water and three carefully chosen crystals, two of which are blue.

Credit: Maruo Cateb

The character of Mari-Lynn has been Rachel and Chloe’s crystal supplier. (Also Chloe’s marijuana dealer before she went legit.) For Anasazi Medium she chose Lodolite, a Shamanic dreamstone which assists with journeys not of this world and traveling to the Land of the Dead fits that description. And as an unwelcome guest in this realm it would also protect her from negative energy.

Credit: Hannes Grobe

MJ also recommended Lapis Lazuli, another protective stone, that blocks psychic attacks, thus returning the hurtful energy to its source. When Rachel arrives in the Land of the Dead she is decidedly not wanted.

The final stone was Blue Quartz. It is a very powerful crystal. It not only calms, but adjusts its vibrational level to your needs. The Land of the Dead presented several challenges to Rachel

Credit: Rob Lavinsky

and she needed the pyramid-shaped pendant made of these stones throughout this journey. Not only did she see frightening things, but traveled through time with her spirit wolf Kiyiya.

Kiyiya is playing a larger role as the Reluctant Medium becomes more comfortable, but still reluctant, in her own role of empath and psychic.

Anasazi Medium combines Hopi Native American culture and traditions with a paranormal mystery that endangers the entire planet. Rachel, and her friends, have their work cut out for them as they deal with bird kills, dangerous waters and evil men bent on taking what they want. In the meantime, the Dog Star is getting frighteningly close to Earth.



Using Crystals in Fiction

With a Little Help From Our Friends

Guest Blog Post with M J Trantham, Crystal Practitioner

Tiger’s Eye Crystals: Gold, Red, Blue. Protective Stones. Copyright G G Collins

We all get a little help from our friends. In the case of crystal practitioner MJ Trantham, I’ve gotten a lot of help. After Reluctant Medium was released she asked me if I thought Rachel would benefit from using crystals. My answer was “Yes!” MJ is also a great brainstormer and I send her chapters for her input–trying not to give away too much of the story.

by M J Trantham                                                               Copyright 2020

GG Collins and I have been friends for many years. I have been reading her articles and books longer than I can remember. When she began the Reluctant Medium series, I was so excited and asked if I could participate in brainstorming the development of her books. She graciously invited me into the group. I feel Rachel Blackstone has become my friend as well.

Once I know what Rachel’s adventure is going to be, I begin to think of what hazards she might encounter or mysteries she is going to solve. Will Rachel need enhanced intuition from her spirit guides or protection from ghosts and goblins?  Is she looking for someone that needs help? Maybe Rachel is on a treasure hunt?

Amethyst Crystal Ball
Copyright G G Collins

During Rachel’s journeys she most likely needs protection from a person, place or thing. Tiger Iron, one of my favorites, is formed from Jasper, Hematite and Tiger’s Eye. It is also known as Mugglestone. It forms a protective shield around the aura and points to a place of refuge when danger threatens and returns the evil to the source. Black Tourmaline is another choice.  It forms a protective shield around the person carrying this crystal.

To enhance Rachel’s intuition, I would give her an Amethyst. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks and improves spiritual awareness allowing her to make wise decisions and clearly hear her spirit guides if she gets into a bad situation. Blue Kyanite also heightens psychic abilities and is an excellent connector to spirit guides.

Crystals come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Most have multiple uses depending on color or type. When selecting a crystal for a friend or situation, do some research to determine which definition or description means the most to you.

M J also makes the most beautiful crystal pouches and medicine bags.

Trantham’s crocheted medicine bags.

Medicine Bags by M J Trantham
Copyright G G Collins

World Building in Fiction Writing

Builder of Worlds

By G G Collins          (Copyright 2019)

I never expected to be a builder of worlds and yet I’ve written two books where I needed to do just that.

Time travel is always tricky, but it’s also fun. In Lemurian Medium I sent protagonist Rachel Blackstone back in time via astral travel to the mythical continent of Lemuria. I began reading about the continent that reportedly sunk into the ocean when a cataclysmic series of earthquakes and volcanoes broke up the island country and the sea claimed it.

When you ask people to buy into a paranormal or fantasy story line, it’s important to include as much fact as possible, to lend integrity to the story. I began reading the works of Colonel James Churchward, who called Lemuria by another name; Mu. He studied monastery sources in India while serving in the British army.

After getting a basic idea of Churchward’s theories I read Frank Joseph’s book The Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture. There are many creation stories and Lemuria is one for that part of the world. There is a museum in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan called the Mu Museum and is a tribute to the Motherland. In the Hawaiian Ethnic Art Museum in Oahu there are carvings that seem to verify the existence of a golden race who survived the onrush of the sea.

Click Read Review

Reputed to contain the history of the ancients.

To make the city realistic I researched the Romans from their garments to their communal toilets. In addition I read Shirley MacLaine’s dreams of Lemuria as she related them in her excellent book The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit. Her description of the Lemurians—some golden, some violet, and hermaphroditic—let imagination work on that. For homes, I went with crystal construction with private areas being opaque. Rachel was surprised to learn she could communicate either from her mind or with the use of Lemurian seed crystals and crystal balls.

I needed a villain in spirit and chose Quetzalcoatl, a Mesoamerican god who liked to dine on humans. It is thought that Lemurians who survived the end of their homeland took to the vast sea and made their way to what is known today as Central America and to the southwestern part of the US.

When my research was complete I was no longer certain that Lemuria was a myth. I hope readers of the book can entertain that possibility as well.

De-Stress With Crystals

We All Have It: Stress!

by G G Collins     (Copyright 2015)

Crocheted Anti-Stress Medicine Bag & Crystals

Crocheted Anti-Stress Medicine Bag & Crystals

Leave it to a friend to come up with something so lovely. I received–just in time to charge in the Super Blood Moon–a medicine bag and crystals from my friend M J Trantham. You’ll remember her from the interview she did earlier Interview with M J Trantham in January.

To make your own Anti-Stress Medicine Bag, you need a pouch or bag. Four crystals are added: Amethyst, Malachite, Orange Calcite and Sodalite. In addition, a tablespoon of dried lavender. (There have been some toxic warnings regarding Malachite, so please wash your hands after handling and limit contact.)

Crystals Charging

Crystals Charging

Before you put it together, you’ll need to charge the crystals in a full moon. Place them in a small container. I like a small cup or bowl that is clear. Then set it in a window or in a safe location outside for a night during the full moon.

If you haven’t read Dorothy Morrison’s book “Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living,” here’s a short excerpt to help you prepare your anti-stress bag:

Place the lavender inside, as you say: Lavender for great protection.

Add the sodalite, saying: Sodalite for psychic connection.

Add the malachite, saying: Malachite to bud and sprout.

Add the amethyst saying: Amethyst to calm throughout.

Add the orange calcite, saying: And orange calcite to amplify.

Their power mix and unify to relieve stress and aggravation, racing heart and irritation.

Bring me peace and calm relief.

Book Everyday MagicThen carry the pouch with you. Morrison calls her spells and rituals “modern magic for busy folks.” It covers many modern issues from abuse to money to wisdom.  Just click on the book for more information.

If you don’t have a peace symbol you can attach to the bag, use a marker to draw one on the pouch.

After your bag is complete, why not make one for a friend?

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Colorado Springs Area Fine Arts & Crafts Fair, June 2015 dee

Woodland Park Fine Arts & Crafts Fair 6/5-9/25

Medicine Bags by M J Trantham

Medicine Bags by M J Trantham

Medicine Bags by M J Trantham

Beginning June 5, 2015, the Woodland Park Fine Arts & Crafts Fair returns. Here, the artists are also the sellers. You can buy their creations, meet the artist and ask questions about their creative process. This year, M J Trantham will be selling her beautiful hand-made medicine bags. Trantham also plans to have crystals and fact sheets for sale. Drop by and say hello. Trantham will be happy to tell you what inspires her to make medicine bags. I can tell you, they are special, whether you fill them with crystals or a special small gift. Some of her latest creations are made for men and children.

Trantham's crocheted medicine bags.

Trantham’s crocheted medicine bags.

In her own words, “I like to decorate them with ribbon, buttons, pins, and charms.  The type of bag and decoration depends on who the bag is made for.  I have a friend who is very interested in angels.  I made her a bag with stones to attract angel communication.  A family member travels a lot in an RV.  I made them a bag for safe travel.”

If you missed Trantham’s interview in these pages, please check it out at the following link:

Woodland Park Fine Arts & Crafts Fair June 5 - Sept 25, 2015

Woodland Park Fine Arts & Crafts Fair
June 5 – Sept 25, 2015

You can find the Woodland Park Fine Arts & Crafts Fair at N Park Street & W Henrietta Ave (Next to the Farmers Market). For more information call 719-687-3731. It’s free to the public and family friendly. The Fair runs through September 25, 2015. Friday’s, 7am – 1pm.

For more information on the hand-made Medicine Bags or to place an order, please contact  M J Trantham at:

Crystal Energy: Adding Dimension to Spirituality

Meet M J Trantham: Share Her Journey of Enlightenment

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to M J Trantham, my crystal sage and good friend. I’m one of those people who had purchased a few stones because they were pretty. When I began writing about Rachel Blackstone, the Reluctant Medium, I wanted her to grow as she became more astute, albeit reluctant, with her psychic abilities. M J had been telling me about her exploration of crystals and I was fascinated. We’d talk—she’s correct, it’s nearly daily—and soon I was asking questions and including crystal power in Rachel’s paranormal adventures.
Get comfortable and enjoy this intimate one-on-one with M J Trantham. Whether you’re just beginning your journey with crystals or are already a fellow traveler, M J’s story may inspire your own.                                                                                                            
(G G Collins Copyright 2015 including photos)

♦         ♦        ♦

When did your interest in crystals begin?  Was there a specific turn of events that led you down this path?

Crystals in Dish. Includes Lemurian Wand  Copyright G G Collins 2015

Crystals in Dish. Includes Lemurian Wand
Copyright G G Collins 2015

I think I have been fascinated by rocks since I was a child.  I remember having a “rock collection” which probably consisted of rocks I found in our back yard.  When I got a little older, I watched my grandmother collect rocks from places she visited.  She brought them home and put them in her yard.  When my grandmother died I picked up as many as I could identify and now they are in my yard.

As an adult, I used to drive to Hot Springs, Arkansas every spring to the Arkansas Derby, but I always made a stop at the tourist crystal shop.  I still didn’t have a clue what I was buying but was attracted to their beauty and would take my time holding and admiring them before making my selections.  My first crystals were an Amethyst and a Rose Quartz.  I also have several very large crystal clusters in my home that I know I didn’t pay a lot of money for.  I see similar ones now for hundreds of dollars.

I think my turning point was when I had two nephews join the military.  It was during the transition from the Iraq war to the movement of troops to Afghanistan.  I was so afraid for them.  One evening during my meditation I was impressed to make them each a medicine bag for safety.  I also had a niece that was working for ICE on the Mexican border.  I purchased three medicine bags and a book on crystals.  I selected the crystals that I felt were appropriate and sent each of them a bag.  Then I decided to make a bag for each of my grandchildren and then all of my nieces and nephews and a new project was born.  By then I was so intrigued and basically hooked on crystals.  My friend, G G Collins, had written Reluctant Medium and graciously accepted my suggestion that her protagonist needed crystal energy to help her accomplish her goals.  I now crochet the medicine bags which I feel adds my energy to them and select the stones after meditation.

Explain what the “properties” of crystals are. Do they hold actual  powers?

Rose Quartz & Amethyst Copyright G G Collins 2015

Rose Quartz & Amethyst
Copyright G G Collins 2015

Crystals have been acknowledged for their beauty and power for thousands of years.  Most people first notice the color and brightness of crystals.  Later, maybe minutes or maybe years, we begin to learn that each crystal is special and emits different types of power.  I like to call that power, energy.  Some crystals have energy to help someone heal from a disease or a situation which is uncomfortable or causes emotional pain.  Other energies are used for abundance, prosperity, wealth, and protection from people, places, and/or things, grief, and assistance in achieving goals.  I have been able to find a crystal for almost any situation.  I believe the “power” is real, just like I believe “faith” is real.  Someone might pick up a raw crystal, one that hasn’t been polished or tumbled, and throw it down thinking it is just a rock.   Others will see the beauty and feel the energy in the palms of their hands.  Sometimes it is a slight vibration and sometimes becomes warm.

Crystals were created when the Earth was born.  Most people know about Amethyst, Quartz, and Birthstones.  However, crystals have evolved as the Earth has evolved and we now have what some call “New Age” crystals, such as Larimar, Petalite, and Phenacite.

What crystals would one choose for issues such as fear, creativity, and wealth?

There are many types of fear.  If you want to alleviate fear, use a Charoite.  Charoite is a beautiful purple stone when polished.  It is a stone of transformation.  “Charoite is the soul stone that overcomes fear.”  Smoky Quartz relieves fear, lifts depression, and brings emotional calmness.  When purchasing a Smoky Quartz, look for one that is slightly cloudy.  The darker the color the more likely it has been radiated to enhance the color.  You want the natural one.

Creativity also covers many types.  For a writer, I would recommend a Blue Topaz.  This crystal helps a writer become aware of the influence their writing and knowledge can have on others.  It promotes openness and honesty.  It helps a writer see the bigger picture and the minute details.  If a writer is experiencing “writer’s block” a Fire Agate helps dissolve the negativity that might be causing the block and replaces it with creativity once again.

Tiger's Eye Crystals: Gold, Red, Blue.  Copyright G G Collins 2015

Tiger’s Eye Crystals: Gold, Red, Blue.
Copyright G G Collins 2015

A Brown and Gold Tiger’s Eye helps any type of creativity by aiding that person in recognizing one’s talents and abilities, and faults that need to be overcome to achieve their desired goal.

A wonderful crystal for wealth, abundance, and prosperity is a Honey Citrine.  It comes in small round stones, large Citrine points, or larger geodes.  Honey Citrine can be placed in a medicine bag and carried with you at all times in your pocket or purse.  You can also use a medicine bag with a cord attached and wear it around your neck and over your heart.  It can also be placed in the “wealth corner” of your home which is the farthest left corner of your home looking in from the front door.  It is also used for grids when mixed with other wealth stones like, blue or green Citrine.  Honey Citrine encourages sharing what you have and yet helps you to hold on to your wealth.

What is a medicine bag and how is it used?  Describe your signature bags.

Trantham's crocheted medicine bags.

Trantham’s crocheted medicine bags. Works of art.

A medicine bag is simply a bag of some type to hold your crystals.  Some crystal users recommend storing your crystals in a silk or velvet bag.  Many people prefer leather bags.  When I decided to make medicine bags for my friends and family, I decided on a very soft yarn and began to experiment with different shapes, sizes, and colors.  Depending on how many crystals I want to include decides the size.  Most are 3 x 3 or 4 x 4. I like to decorate them with ribbon, buttons, pins, and charms.  The type of bag and decoration depends on who the bag is made for.  I use several bags.  I have one under my pillow to ward off night terrors and recently added a crystal that assists with dream recall.  I have a bag I meditate with that is for good health, self-control, and will power to eat, drink, exercise, and be healthy.  I have a friend who is very interested in angels.  I made her a bag with stones to attract angel communication.  A family member travels a lot in an RV.  I made them a bag for safe travel.  Medicine bags can be for any type of issue that is going on in someone’s life.  I tell people if they feel uncomfortable wearing the bag, to place it on the night stand beside their bed.

In the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series, you’ve been an enormous help in broadening Rachel’s psychic horizons.  How do you approach this challenge; introducing a reluctant medium – and her creator – to the world of crystals. 

I don’t think it was ever a challenge because I was so excited to be included in G G’s writing process.  I can say what I do for Rachel Blackstone is constantly evolving.  My study of crystals is always a learning experience as I continue to use crystals in everyday life.  I was so excited when Reluctant Medium first came out I read it in one day and was absolutely hooked on Rachel.  I had to go back and reread it to really see what was happening.  During the second read, I began to think about how crystals and psychics have so much in common using crystals for guidance, safety, protection, and direction.  I honestly don’t remember exactly how we got from “there to here”, but G G asked if she could use my personality to create another psychic that dealt in legal marijuana in Colorado and crystals.  I was so flattered and excited I had to say yes!  G G and I discuss Rachel and ideas almost everyday, so I think I understand where Rachel might be going.

Honey Citrine & Blue Topaz Copyright G G Collins 2015

Honey Citrine Point & Blue Topaz
Copyright G G Collins 2015

No matter who I am working for to create a medicine bag, I want to know what the issue is and what outcome they would like to have.  I have shelves of books covering Metaphysical subjects and I use them as a reference for all of my projects.  If the person says they are depressed, I look for crystals to help depression.  If they are afraid, I look for crystals that dispel fear and restore a positive outlook.  I also look for things that specifically address health issues, cancer, chemotherapy, renal failure, heart failure, broken bones.  If I can’t find something specifically to “cure” a broken bone, I look for other reasons for the broken bone, maybe osteoporosis or some type of calcium deficiency or maybe just a really bad fall.  One suggestion leads to another and I continue to learn as I go along and finally decide on the correct crystal for the situation.

I didn’t mean to get into Rachel’s head, however, I found myself talking about her as if she was a real friend of mine.  I think I just do for Rachel what I would do for any friend that asks for my help.

You’re in the process of bringing what began as a personal interest to the next level:  a business.  What will you be offering in the way of medicine bag combinations?

I love to crochet and knit.  I like the feel of the yarn and watching something very pretty result.  It is also a great time to meditate or work out a problem.  When I decided to crochet medicine bags, I did so because I thought mine were prettier and less expensive to make than the ones available at the crystal shops and metaphysical fairs.

Transition Crystals for the Dying: Scolecite, Lilac Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli & Pink Tourmaline.

Transition Crystals for the Dying: Scolecite, Lilac Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli & Pink Tourmaline.

I am going to take a few months to get my material together and see how I would do at the local Farmer’s Market.  We have a very nice one all summer in the city where I live.  After much thought, I am going to make medicine bags for several different issues.  I will most likely begin with bags for healing, love, protection, recovering from an illness or grief, anxiety and depression.  I also like wealth, abundance, forgiveness, angel communication, and raising spiritual awareness.  I’m open to more suggestions.  Several years ago, I found a blessing for a dying person to assist in a pain free and fearless transition.  I have used it several times and have had good results.  By results, I mean, less sadness, more acceptance of the loss of a loved one, and for one I actually got a return message of a safe and happy arrival on the other side and in living color.  It has totally changed my opinion of death, past lives, and what I might find in my next life.

Some bags will be empty and buyers can choose their own crystals.  Others will hold the crystals that assist the person requesting help.  The type of bag and whether or not they hold crystals will determine the cost.

I’ve already developed a flyer to assist someone buying crystals on how to take care of them, how to cleanse them and program them for their own purpose.

What would you recommend to people just beginning their journey into crystals and their uses?

This photo shows the difference between raw, tumbled and egg-shaped crystals.

This photo shows the difference between raw, tumbled and egg-shaped crystals.

Visit crystal shops, metaphysical fairs, and gift shops to explore what is available.  Pay attention to what you are attracted to.  Before investing a lot of money, check other shops for a price range.  I often find crystals that are $7 in one shop and the same crystal is $2 in another.  Crystals can also be purchased on Internet sites, but I prefer the “in person” method.  If you go in person, you can hold the crystal in your hand to see if you get a response.  A response is not always necessary, especially if the crystal has been handled by lots of people.  It may need to be cleansed and near you for several days to begin to recognize your energy.  I received a crystal as a gift.  I cleansed it and wore it for several days so it would recognize my energy and work just for me.  I do the same when I give crystals as gifts and finish with a dedication to the recipient.  I then ask the recipient to meditate and claim the energy for themselves.

There are lots of books out there that tell all you need to know to begin using crystals.  For a beginner, I would suggest buying a couple of books.  Most crystals have several different energies and address multiple issues.  I usually research the issue for suggestions regarding which is the best crystal to buy.  Then I research the crystal to see all that it can do.  Lots of crystal shops also have classes to share information and I find “crystal people” excited to talk to anyone about their crystal beliefs.

To begin your crystal journey, Trantham recommends these books:

Book Crystal BibleThe Crystal Bible, A Definitive Guide to Crystals, Judy Hall, 2003.

The Crystal Bible 2, Over 200 Additional Healing Stones, Judy Hall, 2009.

The Crystal Bible 3, Over 250 New-Generation Stones for Healing and Spiritual Alchemy, Judy Hall, 2013.

The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Judy Hall, 2007.

Book Crystal TherapyCrystal Prescriptions, The A-Z Guide to Over 1,200 Symptoms and Their Healing Crystals, Judy Hall,          1988.

Crystal Therapy, How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy, Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judity Lukonski, 2005.

Simply Crystals, Cass & Janie Jackson, 2006.

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Crystal Protection Grid

Building a Protection Grid with Crystals

By G G Collins     (Copyright 2014)

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Whether or not this is an actual quote from Buddha doesn’t matter. It certainly seems to be true. Somehow we connect when we need or want to learn a new subject.

Crystal Protection Grid (Copyright G G Collins)

Crystal Protection Grid
(Copyright G G Collins)

When I began work on my second installment of the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series, I wanted to add a new tool for Rachel and Chloe to work with. Enter my friend Marilyn. She didn’t even know I was looking for something new. She began talking about crystals, the power she felt they had and how they had worked for her. I asked some questions, she recommended books and gave me stones. Not just any old rocks, but crystals, reputed to have magical powers.

In my third book (Atomic Medium due out January 2015), Rachel needed more protection than usual as she and Chloe travel through time to 1945 during the Manhattan Project (next year is the 70th anniversary). I explained my dilemma and Marilyn came up with several options. This is one I’d like to share.

The Crystal Protection Grid:

First obtain a grid. These can be found at many metaphysical stores and online. Cleanse and dedicate the crystals. Charge them in moonlight during a full moon.

Selenite Pyramid is used as primary energy stone. (Copyright G G Collins)

Selenite Pyramid is used as primary energy stone.
(Copyright G G Collins)

Marilyn chose a Selenite Pyramid for the center stone. Selenite can be used to form a web of protection around your house or apartment. It helps create a safe and quiet place not influenced by outside sources. It acts as the primary energy source. This particular crystal is quite beautiful in color and shape.

Subsequent stones are placed in geometric patterns around the master stone. In the first ring, we used Malachite, a favorite of mine. It’s not only a beautiful green stone, but is protective.

Apache Tears form the next circle. Apache Tears are a form of Black Obsidian which is also a protective stone. It is said to absorb negative energy. I carry one at all times.

For the outer edge of the grid we chose Amethyst. These are Dog Tooth Amethyst. Not only is it protective, it is a natural tranquilizer and is said to block geopathic stress which can occur in the form of a sick house or even a spiritual presence.

Once you’ve placed your stones, use a wand to activate it. This can be something elaborate, made for this purpose or you can use something more organic like a Lemurian Seed crystal wand, which is my choice. You may use a verse especially composed to activate crystal grids or just speak in your own words. The important thing is to give it meaning.

I’m so happy with this Protection Grid and I know it will work perfectly for Rachel in her next adventure.

A special thank you to Marilyn for all she does.


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Crystal Grid Layouts

What is a Crystal Grid?

By G G Collins      (Copyright 2014)

In the upcoming Atomic Medium, reluctant medium Rachel Blackstone will be introduced to a crystal expert. Rachel and friend Chloe will be traveling through time and will need the protection of a crystal grid.

Wealth Grid from Spirit Whisperings

Wealth Grid from Spirit Whisperings           Copyright G  G Collins

Crystal grids are easy to set up and there is abundant information on how to arrange the stones for the best effect. While you don’t have to have a grid pattern, it is helpful for the beginner. Many grids come with the stones required or you may buy them separately. These can be purchased from crystal shops and metaphysical bookstores. I’ll list a few at the end of this story.

Once you’ve assembled the crystals needed for your grid they need to be cleansed, usually with sage smudging, but you can wash them in soap and water. After purification, set them in moonlight to charge them. They are now dedicated to you alone.

The Focus Stone and is placed in the center of the grid. This crystal draws in the powerful energy and then radiates it throughout the lattice that forms the grid. The Way Stones form the first circle around the midpoint. These stones further intensify the energy and move it along to the Desire Stones. They represent the specific purpose for the grid.

Crystal Grid for Clear Heart & Mind from Spirit Whisperings

Crystal Grid for Clear Heart & Mind from Spirit Whisperings, Copyright G G Collins

Once your grid is complete it must be activated with a wand. These can be quite elaborate or very simple: your choice. The grid cards come with an Activation request which is read aloud as you use the wand.

There are two photos accompanying this post. One grid is for Wealth and the other is for Clear Heart and Mind, but there grids for just about anything: protection, confidence, health, conquering fear, even long life.

The time required choosing crystals, cleansing, charging and activation gives one time to reflect on the desired outcome. Enjoy the process.

My thanks to Marilyn who is a wonderful friend and my go-to expert on crystals, stones and grids. Thank you for all you add to the “girls.”


Hypnotic Gems in Fairlawn, Ohio. David is quite helpful. You can order through Amazon:

Book Crystal Grids

Crystal Grids: How & Why They Work: A Science-Based,   Yet Practical Guide by Hibiscus Moon

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Crystals & Stones From People Who Care

Hypnotic Gems is Real Jewel

Tiger's Eye Crystals: Gold, Red, Blue. From Hypnotic Gems. Aren't they nice?

Tiger’s Eye Crystals: Gold, Red, Blue. From Hypnotic Gems. Aren’t they nice? Copyright G G Collins


In an era when the words “customer service” strike fear into our hearts and cause us to feel defeated before we’ve even complained, rises a business whose owner really does know the definition of customer service. This business is Hypnotic Gems.

When I opened a box containing crystals a couple of weeks ago, I was dismayed to find one Tiger’s Eye broken into pieces. The shipper was a third-party and sadly didn’t pack the box as carefully as needed. When I checked in with their Web site, I found that I could only return the order rather than get the broken stone replaced. All I felt I could do was complain–but explained it was the packing not the lovely stones that had disappointed me.

David, of Hypnotic Gems, read my complaint and immediately contacted me. He not only replaced the broken crystal–at his expense–but tucked in a couple of surprises as well. I’m delighted to find this service-oriented business.

If you’re looking for crystals or stones, check out Hypnotic Gems. They offer gorgeous, generously sized stones–and they understand the meaning of customer service.

— G G Collins

Link to Hypnotic Gems storefront:

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