Monthly Archives: November 2020

Supernatural Finale: A Sad Adieu

The End of the Road

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Read Freely ( Promotion

Anasazi Medium Read Freely Promotion

November 24 -30, 2020

Ancient peoples enlighten contemporary humankind in a mystery as old as time. Rachel Blackstone is recruited by the spirit world to prevent a cataclysm: the end of the Fourth World of the Hopi. As earthquakes rumble and a supervolcano threatens to blow, it becomes imperative she discover the root of all evil. Can she stop the greedy men intent on plundering Mother Earth and killing those who would stop them? The survival of an unaware civilization depends on Rachel getting it right.

To Order Anasazi Medium


Book Review: Quantum Singularity by Willow Croft

A Journey Through Time, Space and Emotions

By G G Collins                                           Copyright 2020

Quantum Singularity: A Poetic Voyage Through Time and Space is unlike any book of poetry I’ve read. Each section or phase is summed up with a physics term. From accretion to event horizon, there are nuggets of truth, disappointment, everywoman knowledge and a sprinkling of felines.

In “Treasure Hunt,” Croft talks about “the luxury of sorrow” using colors that “cast no shadows.” Appropriate for the season is “A Letter to My Something More.” In it, she discusses how the media models our expected behavior, “’Tis the season to be thankful even if it’s artificial.” But, is that what the verse is really about? You decide.

Much as in life, there is pain and revulsion. “Evolution” is a powerful piece: “… the thousand hands/grabbing my ass/a pretty dress worn why?” Most women have experienced this trauma and wondered why they even bothered to be pretty. What was the point? “Wish List” expands on disappointment, “Draw me a map to a better life … Because dreams and hopes are not enough.”

Public Domain

See if you recognize your life in these pages. Like all good writers, Croft takes us places we haven’t been and brings meaning where we didn’t expect it.

To purchase, click on the book cover or:

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Month

The Power of Photos

by G G Collins                                              Copyright 2020

For regular readers of my blog, you know a friend was diagnosed with early onset dementia. She wanted to cope with this as best she could on her own terms, and that’s how it should always be. Even if you can’t see your family member or friend, you can still keep in touch through letters, however one-sided the communication is.

Public Domain Image

It’s one of those things where simple is better. Use a larger font to facilitate reading and tell straightforward stories. As dementia progresses, a patient’s interest in reading lags and eventually letters have to be read aloud by a family member or nursing staff. Photos are extremely useful. It’s best if you move in close and concentrate on one object or person.

Laurence Aëgerter, a French visual artist in Amsterdam developed the “Photographic Treatment.” She discovered that images could evoke memories that may go back as far as the teenage years. Earlier memories seem to be easier to recall. She made the photos available without charge so that everyone could use them. Here is an example.

These vertical black and white photos with similar images can lead to memories and invite conversation.

In one encounter, Aëgerter showed a patient a photo of a cat and kitten. Up until this time, he had been silent, but something about this picture elicited a response. For five minutes it was as if he didn’t have dementia. For more reading on this:

A photographic treatment for people with dementia

With this in mind, choose photos of your loved one, places you’ve been together. As time goes on the photos need to grow larger and more focused on the subject as having other objects in the picture can be confusing. An album of the patient’s life can also provide for stimulation of memories.

Perhaps the most important observation AĂ«gerter discovered in her research and interaction with patients: “I realized we should never underestimate people who are sick.” That’s important. We should resist infantilization. While someone may not be able to speak, they may understand more than we realize.

For other ways to use photos:

10 Ways to Use the Power of Photos for Dementia Care


Lemurian Medium Weekend Countdown Deal

Click on the book to buy.

A friend disappears into a painting at a posh Santa Fe art gallery. Rachel Blackstone witnesses the paranormal kidnapping, but is helpless to stop it. She isn’t prepared for the reality of where her friend has been taken. In this strange ancient world, it’s difficult to know who to trust. But somehow, she must avoid the Mesoamerican deity who dines on humans and rescue her friend before the catastrophic event occurs that will take the island continent to the sea floor.

November 6 – 8, 2020

Amazon Reviewer:The Lemurian Medium gives us a little bit of everything: paranormal, clairvoyance, astral projection and time travel. All this with descriptive prose that paints New Mexico as a travel mecca. Be sure you can sit back and relax for a time as you journey into the search for a different lost Atlantis because you won’t want to set the book down.”