Category Archives: Science

Cosmic Cocktail Party in Lemurian Medium

Carl Sagan & Benjamin Franklin Attend a Cosmic Party

by G G Collins     (Copyright 2017)

See on PBS

Recently I watched “The Farthest: Voyager in Space.” Actually I’ll admit to seeing it three times. (Read my review here on Parallel Universe . The late Carl Sagan played an important role in the Voyager project. If you haven’t seen it, it is playing on PBS.

While writing “Lemurian Medium” I went to the NASA website and looked at photos taken by Voyager to describe the planets as Reluctant Medium Rachel Blackstone took an astral journey to save a kidnapped friend.

Doing the research for this novel was quite fun. I ran across some notable people, namely Carl Sagan and Benjamin Franklin who both apparently believed in the possible existence of extraterrestrial life.

I wanted something lighthearted to occur during Rachel’s escape as it was quite tense at times. When she burst onto the astral plane she discovered it wasn’t the same plane she arrived on. But this level had a twist. There was a celestial cocktail party going on!

As she observed the varied types of aliens in all shapes and sizes, drinking colorful cocktails in odd vessels, and then she spied some humans like herself. There was Sagan and Franklin talking with beings from other worlds.

I wanted to honor them in some small way. Sagan was of hero of mine. Through him I became interested in the cosmos because he made it accessible. Cheers!