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New Mexico’s Supervolcano

The Valles Caldera is Only Dormant

By G G Collins (Copyright 2021)

Excerpt from Anasazi Medium, Chapter 8

Yellowstone isn’t the only supervolcano in the United States. The Valles Caldera is located in northern New Mexico in close proximity to the Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) and the Rio Grande. An eruption from the dormant, but not extinct, volcano could cause significant interruptions to life or extinguish life depending on the force of the eruption. Some of you will recognize the Valles Caldera as the location of the Longmire sheriff’s ranch.

Images, except the above, are from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science.

We pick up with an interview which journalist Rachel Blackstone is having with character Professor Axel Saxon at the University of New Mexico, Earth and Planetary Science. We join them with the interview already in progress.

“How dangerous is the Valles Caldera?” Rachel asked.

“It is considered a young supervolcano in that it erupted 1.25 million years ago. It’s geothermal and responsible for the hot springs that populate the area. We also know it is dormant, not extinct. The caldera is about 20 kilometres or 13 miles wide. A supervolcano isn’t one eruption, but multiple eruptions occurring at once. When the volcanic pressure cooker just can’t take anymore and it releases pent up energy in many places.”

He showed Rachel another map showing the resurgent lava dome, called Redondo Peak, and the smaller domes around it.

“If it were to erupt again,” Rachel asked. “What force are we talking about?”

“Supervolcanoes have an eruption of magnitude eight,” Saxon paused. “That’s the largest on the VEI or Volcanic Explosivity Index.”

“So this type of eruption really isn’t within our experience in the near past?” Rachel asked.

“No. You’ve heard of Pinatubo, Krakatau and a U.S. volcano called Mount St. Helens?”

Rachel nodded.

“These are inconsequential by comparison to the Valles Caldera. Even Crater Lake and Tambora are smaller. Only the Yellowstone supervolcano is larger.”

“Are you aware that the last time the Yellowstone erupted that ash and dead animal bones were found as far away as Nebraska? The three Yellowstone eruptions we know about produced enough ash to fill the Grand Canyon and were 2500 times larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Today, if Yellowstone went off it would immediately kill 90,000 people. Those not dead would be standing calf-deep in ash. The nuclear winter to follow could cause famine as the great breadbasket of the world, the States, would likely not be able to grow much.”

“What would the results be of a Valles Caldera eruption?” Rachel asked.

“First there would be the ash fallout to consider. Not only would any planes in the area be at risk of losing engine performance and therefore crash, but water contamination could result and rooftop collapse. That is especially a problem for flat roofs that can be found all over our area, but especially prominent in Santa Fe due to the Pueblo architecture.

Tent Rocks (Kasha-Katuwe) was created with volcanic ash fallout, perhaps 1/4 mile thick. Enough to have cooked a moderate-sized city.

“Agriculture would be adversely affected, maybe not even possible. Livestock would become ill and die from breathing the ash and gases.

“People would also experience health issues and some, maybe many, would die. It would depend on the size of the eruption.

Notice the proximity of Los Alamos (LANL) to the Valles Caldera.

“We don’t even know how it would affect power-producing plants. And yes, we don’t know if the damage to the LANL would be sufficient to release plutonium and other nuclear materials into the air. If so, that could be cataclysmic in terms of loss of life.

“As to the influence on the country and the world; again, depending on the size of eruption, it could bring about the nuclear winter where ash would block the sun and make agriculture impossible. And this brings me to the most lasting product of supervolcanoes: worldwide famine, millions—maybe billions—of refugees, satellite disruption and the crash of world financial markets.”

“Good god,” Rachel said. “All because a New Mexico volcano wakes up.”

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Omnimystery News Guest Blog by G G Collins

Paranormal Mystery Writer G G Collins Blogs

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Explosive Tale Pits Psychic Against Nazi Terrorists

Available at Amazon

Available at Amazon

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Check out my guest blog and learn how Atomic Medium came to be. It’s a little bit supernatural, a little bit history and all fun. Join reporter Rachel Blackstone and friend Chloe for their latest adventure in the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series. No lines at TSA for this trip, but no map or directions either. Travel back to 1945 when the most feared weapon of mass destruction was developed in Los Alamos. Will Rachel stop two evil men intent on changing history? It’s no small task for the two friends; just save the world!

  Amazon 5-Star Review: “I loved that the suspense lasted right up to the last page.”  — Mojo

New Book Release: Free June 20, 2015

Atomic Medium Free One Day Only

“We’re three women from two different centuries, trying to save the world from oblivion. I don’t know about you, but that’s way above my pay grade.”

New release, Atomic Medium, will be a free Kindle download Saturday June 20, 2015. One day only! It is Book 3 in the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery series. You don’t need to read them in order. The stories are all separate adventures for new psychic, reporter Rachel Blackstone. But reading them in order does show Rachel’s growth as a Reluctant Medium and how she became one.

Book Cover Atomic Medium 6-2015

Rachel and friend Chloe are drawn into a paranormal mystery that leads them straight into a historic year, 1945, WWII and the Trinity Test.  It is a world of subterfuge, secrets and danger. If they can’t stop the men intent on sabotage, history will be changed. For Rachel and Chloe, it’s no small task: just save the world.

In Atomic Medium we learn how Kiyiya became Rachel’s spirit animal and there is a surprise about Chloe–one I didn’t see coming either. Mari-Lynn is back as the pot dispensing crystal expert, a boy helps out much to Rachel’s chagrin and the two friends may move on from misdemeanors to higher crimes.

It’s all adventure with a few laughs along the way. Thank you for trying Atomic Medium.

— G G Collins


New Book Release: Atomic Medium

Atomic Medium

Third Book in the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series

Atomic Medium Available at Amazon

Atomic Medium Available at Amazon

A time warp has opened in a popular Santa Fe retail store. The building housing the shop was the main office of The Manhattan Project during its development in the 1940s. Only one person has witnessed the departure of two dangerous men through the doorway to the past—reporter Rachel Blackstone. Although she is certain they are evil she has no idea how they left 2015 or where they landed on the other side, only that she saw them do it. But the office on the other side is certainly a very different place than the showroom with the neatly arranged inventory of gifts and Native American art. When she discovers the mystery of the room, it becomes apparent at least one man is an alien force wearing a Nazi uniform—and intent on changing the balance of nuclear weapons in the world. Rachel and friend Chloe time travel to a world of subterfuge, secrets and danger. If they can’t stop the two men intent on sabotage, history will be changed. For Rachel and Chloe, it’s no small task: just save the world.

For an explosive read:

Author Interview with Mystery Writer G G Collins

David Chuka–Children’s Book Author, Interviews G G Collins

David Chuka, Children's Book Author & Blogger

David Chuka, Children’s Book Author & Blogger


My thanks to David for an insightful interview. I think a journalist spirit lurks within this children’s book author (another life?). I enjoyed answering his questions. For more on sneaky reporter tactics, Brussels sprouts and oh yeah, writing the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mysteries, here is the link.

Check out his Web site and books from If You See a Doctor to Kojo the Seadragon Gets Lost with lots of colorful stories in between. I’m partial to the seadragon as I write about dragons in Lemurian Medium–a fellow traveler?  Check them out here.




Crystal Protection Grid

Building a Protection Grid with Crystals

By G G Collins     (Copyright 2014)

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Whether or not this is an actual quote from Buddha doesn’t matter. It certainly seems to be true. Somehow we connect when we need or want to learn a new subject.

Crystal Protection Grid (Copyright G G Collins)

Crystal Protection Grid
(Copyright G G Collins)

When I began work on my second installment of the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series, I wanted to add a new tool for Rachel and Chloe to work with. Enter my friend Marilyn. She didn’t even know I was looking for something new. She began talking about crystals, the power she felt they had and how they had worked for her. I asked some questions, she recommended books and gave me stones. Not just any old rocks, but crystals, reputed to have magical powers.

In my third book (Atomic Medium due out January 2015), Rachel needed more protection than usual as she and Chloe travel through time to 1945 during the Manhattan Project (next year is the 70th anniversary). I explained my dilemma and Marilyn came up with several options. This is one I’d like to share.

The Crystal Protection Grid:

First obtain a grid. These can be found at many metaphysical stores and online. Cleanse and dedicate the crystals. Charge them in moonlight during a full moon.

Selenite Pyramid is used as primary energy stone. (Copyright G G Collins)

Selenite Pyramid is used as primary energy stone.
(Copyright G G Collins)

Marilyn chose a Selenite Pyramid for the center stone. Selenite can be used to form a web of protection around your house or apartment. It helps create a safe and quiet place not influenced by outside sources. It acts as the primary energy source. This particular crystal is quite beautiful in color and shape.

Subsequent stones are placed in geometric patterns around the master stone. In the first ring, we used Malachite, a favorite of mine. It’s not only a beautiful green stone, but is protective.

Apache Tears form the next circle. Apache Tears are a form of Black Obsidian which is also a protective stone. It is said to absorb negative energy. I carry one at all times.

For the outer edge of the grid we chose Amethyst. These are Dog Tooth Amethyst. Not only is it protective, it is a natural tranquilizer and is said to block geopathic stress which can occur in the form of a sick house or even a spiritual presence.

Once you’ve placed your stones, use a wand to activate it. This can be something elaborate, made for this purpose or you can use something more organic like a Lemurian Seed crystal wand, which is my choice. You may use a verse especially composed to activate crystal grids or just speak in your own words. The important thing is to give it meaning.

I’m so happy with this Protection Grid and I know it will work perfectly for Rachel in her next adventure.

A special thank you to Marilyn for all she does.


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