Authors Wanted: Mystery/Thriller Anthology in Works

Call for Excerpts: Murder, USA and Murder, International

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Hello, Murder Lab Community! This is a special invitation/call to action for authors.

I’m putting together an anthology of sorts. In contrast to a true anthology, which implies a collection of short stories, this is actually going to be a collection of excerpts from published, full-length novels–sort of like a compilation of Amazon “Look Inside” features from similarly-themed novels, all in one nifty little, e-mailable, downloadable, linkable, social media promotable package. . .

For more information on this great idea check out:

About G G Collins

G G COLLINS writes to keep you awake nights. Her gutsy mystery characters go where no woman has gone before. Regardless, they always get their man--or woman. And her young adult fiction reaches right in and grabs that adolescent insecurity we all remember. For excerpts, author news, writing tips, reviews and quirky Santa Fe factoids see her websites: Reluctant Medium at Large Parallel Universe at Large Contact her via her publisher.

Posted on July 12, 2015, in About, Annoucements, Books, Publishing, Writing and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Authors Wanted: Mystery/Thriller Anthology in Works.

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