Daily Archives: June 2, 2015

New Book Release: Atomic Medium

Atomic Medium

Third Book in the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series

Atomic Medium Available at Amazon

Atomic Medium Available at Amazon

A time warp has opened in a popular Santa Fe retail store. The building housing the shop was the main office of The Manhattan Project during its development in the 1940s. Only one person has witnessed the departure of two dangerous men through the doorway to the past—reporter Rachel Blackstone. Although she is certain they are evil she has no idea how they left 2015 or where they landed on the other side, only that she saw them do it. But the office on the other side is certainly a very different place than the showroom with the neatly arranged inventory of gifts and Native American art. When she discovers the mystery of the room, it becomes apparent at least one man is an alien force wearing a Nazi uniform—and intent on changing the balance of nuclear weapons in the world. Rachel and friend Chloe time travel to a world of subterfuge, secrets and danger. If they can’t stop the two men intent on sabotage, history will be changed. For Rachel and Chloe, it’s no small task: just save the world.

For an explosive read:  http://amzn.to/1SWkjde