Daily Archives: June 29, 2015

Interview with G G Collins and her Atomic Medium characters…

Get the Lowdown on Atomic Medium Characters

Check out Chris the Story Reading Ape

Check out Chris the Story Reading Ape

My thanks to Chris of TheStoryReadingApeBlog.com for allowing, encouraging, me and other writers to try new things. This was so much fun! Enjoy an interview with the Atomic Medium characters. GG

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

For those of you who read the Rachel Blackstone Paranormal Mystery Series, you’re familiar with the adobe style magazine office of High Desert Country where she works. It’s located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Recently, Julian Brazos, the magazine’s founder and publisher added a second story. It’s the rooftop meeting place where we find Collins and her characters. The sunset is washing the Sangre de Cristos red. The margaritas are made. The bowls of salsa and tortilla chips are placed around the table. We should start before the sipping commences.

Watermark Rainbow Man Rainbow Man, former home to The Manhattan Project in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Publisher of High Desert Country, Julian Brazos will conduct the interview.

Julian: For readers who haven’t yet met the irreverent reporter Rachel Blackstone, this will get you up to speed. Rachel used a Native American ceremony to return the dead. She was hoping to have…

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